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Fiano Veranda: Glass sliding doors

Planning Permission by Falcon Canopies

Planning Permission

Planning Permission for Canopies and Verandas

At Falcon Canopies, we understand that the planning process can be daunting. To help you navigate these waters, we've compiled essential information regarding planning permission for commercial and domestic canopies and verandas.

At Falcon Canopies, we recognise the complexities involved in obtaining planning permission. We offer comprehensive support services to ease this process.

Do You Need Planning Permission?

Planning permission is a legal requirement for certain types of building work. It's crucial to determine whether your project requires approval before any construction begins.

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Commercial Canopies and Verandas

For commercial installations, such as canopies in schools, retail spaces, or office buildings, planning permission requirements often depend on the scope and nature of the project. Many commercial projects fall under Permitted Development Rights (PDR), which exempt them from needing formal permission. However, specific conditions must be met:

  1. Size Restrictions: The cumulative gross floor space of any new buildings or extensions should not exceed 25% of the original building’s floor space or 100 square meters, whichever is smaller.
  2. Proximity to Boundaries: No part of the development should be within 5 meters of the property's boundary.
  3. Preservation of Playing Fields: Land used as a playing field within the last 5 years must remain available for use.
  4. Height Limitations: Any new building’s height should not exceed 5 meters. Extensions must not exceed 5 meters if they are within 10 meters of the boundary or the height of the existing building if farther away.
  5. Listed Buildings: Developments within the curtilage of a listed building require special consideration and may not qualify for PDR.

Always ensure your commercial property has not exhausted its PDR allowances with previous developments.

Bosco Veranda

Domestic Canopies and Verandas

For residential properties, the need for planning permission varies based on several factors, including:

  • Size and Position: Generally, if the canopy or veranda does not extend beyond the front wall of the house, and is not higher than 4 meters, it might not require permission.
  • Usage: The structure should be for domestic purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling.
  • Impact on Neighbors: Ensure that the development does not adversely affect the amenity of neighbouring properties.

Ribolla Detached Veranda

Planning Permission for Canopies and Verandas

Before initiating your project, we strongly recommend consulting with your local planning authority. They can confirm whether your proposed canopy or veranda requires planning permission and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. 

For any assistance or further information about planning permission for your canopy or veranda, feel free to contact Falcon Canopies. We are here to help you every step of the way.

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Ribolla Detached Veranda

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